Online nursing degrees come in a variety of specialties and subspecialties. Women’s health, acute care, family practitioner, and healthcare informatics are just a few of the many specialty nursing careers available. Students interested in getting their LPN, RN, BSN, MSN, or even their doctorate degree can pursue the necessary education from an accredited online school.
To enter an associate’s or bachelor’s degree program in this field, students must have earned a high school diploma or GED. To earn a master’s degree, a bachelor’s is needed with 2-3 years of professional experience in a health care setting. For acceptance into any program, a student must meet all admissions requirements and submit the required application components. Then, students must typically complete the following steps:
The following 10 schools offer the best accredited online nursing degree programs. Nursing degrees can be completed at many levels, including LPN-to-RN, RN-to-BSN, RN-to-MSN, BSN-to-MSN, and more.